LCD prices have been slashed 5% and would cost cheaper. But STB prices are up by 5%. Which means, what you save in LCD, you will have to shell out for Tata Sky, Airtel Digital or the infamous Sun Direct.
Excise duty on big cars (the Audis, VW, BMW etc.) has been slashed by 5% to make it uniform at Rs. 15000 per unit. But the same has not been implemented for smaller cars (which form a major part of the Indian commuting style. You cannot see any common man driving a BMW or Prosche unless he is a driver of a CEO who is working in an MNC.
Gold prices have been increased by Rs. 200 per 10 gm...which means we men can cite that as a reason for not buying gold for our women folk.
Above all, the FM has done a great job by increasing the Income tax exemption limit by Rs. 10,000. I hear some of you ignorant people say WOW...Rs. 10,000 per year amounts to Rs. 800 per month. Hold On...:) below is the breakup of how much excess you would get if the exemption limit goes up by 10000. Here is the old structure with exemption:

With the new exemption (a whopping Rs. 10,000/=) here is the new tax payable per month:
So you save around Rs. 1030 PA. (TimesOfIndia published an article today which sid "The FM has ensured the tax payer gets Rs. 1030 excess at his disposal). What they have not mentioned is this amount should be divided by 12 to arrive at the monthly increase which is more important to common man than the yearly increase.
It is time for another test drive. Let's Jazz with the Honda Jazz. So Long.
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