Dev: We have 10 requirements for this sprint to be developed.
QM: And how many to be tested?
Dev: Hmmm....we cannot be so sure now. The sprint has just started. We might reduce or increase the scope based on priorities.
QM: OK. Assume this is the end of the sprint. Then, how many requirements can we test?
Dev: Duh (Pondering what to answer)...
QM: OK forget it. When can I have the requirements
Dev: The SRS would be ready by the end of the day and the development will be starting tomorrow based on the SRS.
QM: (Looks at the SRS) But I see only 10 requirements. Is this all that you are going to be shipping till the end of the year?
Dev: (Losing his patience). Look, we are following SCRUM. We might have the overall scope items, but the SRS will evolve as we progress. We cannot have the entire requirements of month 8 right now.
QM: Then how do you expect the testing team to come up with test cases? We need the requirements to do this.
Dev: But that is what I am saying, you cannot have the requirements for next sprint when we are still in sprint 1.
QM: What sprint?
Dev: What what sprint?
QM: You just said something about sprint...are you planning to run away overnight?
Dev: (Sighs and murmurs the F word) I said Sprint. SPRINT. Meaning an interation in SCRUM.
QM: Don't you dare call me a SCUM. I am not a SCUM. I am the QM of this team.
Dev: OK...Let me clarify here...what model of project are you following?
QM: What do you mean by what model?
Dev: I mean, how are you planning for your tasks?
QM: We have Microsoft Project. We have been having 2 hour meetings for the past 2 months to plan for the next 10 months. We have the qm testing phase starting in Month 6. That is followed by AT in Month 8. Then we do a regression on the reported issues in Month 8 Week 2 and a final issue consolidation on end of of week 3 of Month 8. Then on the next Monday, we start with the analysis of the AT results.........
Dev: (Has just slipped into a coma)
This immediately brought to my mind the Russel Peters video (Chinese and Indian people cannot do business together):
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