Freedom to choose is not how many items you can mark as checked, but how many radio buttons you can check at the same time
Dec 23, 2009
Politics...Here I come
There was a nice news today morning, which made me even more determined to try for the post of MLA or MP. All the relatives of MP's now get to travel for free by Air within India. And all the friends and relatives of MP get to travel for free by Air within India. And this bill is actually passed in the Parliament. So now, it pays to be a friend of an MP than work your ass off in a 9-6 job. I am still checking if I have any MPs in my family bloodline. Surely there should be one...No family is perfect :D. We all have our share of hyenas and wolves.
Now, I might sound that I am rambling and ranting out of frustration. But the truth is, Politics is a more profit making business than any other job. Consider this:
1. You do not need to pay for the accomodation
2. You do not need to declare your wealth
3. You do not need to be a BE, MBA, IIT Grad (Well if you are, it means you are over qualified)
4. You do not need to pay for the fuel (The idiots called tax payers would do that for you. Infact, you might even see a Software Engineer filling up your tank in a Shell gas station (thanks to the rising inflation))
5. You do not need to work on deadlines. (Hey, you are a politician. You could hire 10 MBA grads and get them to work on your deadlines. And then take the credit. Afterall, you managed the MBA grads)
6. You do not need to pay for vegetables, fruits, liquor, schooling, No parking fines.
In short, the outflow from your purse would be inversely proportional to the inflow. And in this case, the inflow would never tend to negative.
Lord, if you could make me an MLA of any one constituency (maybe Andipatti would be the best, closer to my home) in the next 10 years, I would break 108 coconuts for you (Out of the tax payer's money, ofcourse)
Dec 3, 2009
MS Does not trust SilverLight :)
Adobe Flex: The Perfect example of how a framework should not be
Nov 29, 2009
The World of a crazy programmer
Nov 28, 2009
The Woes of FlexUnit testing
Crossed to kill.
Oct 6, 2009
Follow the process, forget the rest
- Based on the market requirements (read this) (The product management team gets the current market requirements and defines the idea. (Not more than 2 weeks)
- Development brainstorms the idea and comes up with a prototype (Max 4 weeks)
- Dev showcases this to the Product Management and gets their confirmation if they are on the right track.
- Product Management signs off the initial level of design, and requests Dev to proceed with the next steps.
- PM shows this to the Customer and if any changes, communicates to the development at the initial stage itself.
- The development continues with the iterative development and in a maximum of 4 months comes up with the final design as requested by the customer.
- Then another 2 weeks of testing. (During these 4 months of development, testing would happen at the end of each month on the monthly milestones).
- A total of 20 weeks (translates into 5 months), the beta is released to the customer.
- Once things are on track, the dev starts with Wave 2 of the requirements.
Jul 13, 2009
The Long and Short of corporate E-mails
When I say we save power through not sending mails, I am talking about all those crap mails which are sent around everyday, and which spams our inbox. And it is not from any fake site selling Viagra or Cialis, it is from our very own colleagues and it is not just the Miss World wallpapers that are sent around, it is something related to work which spams the inbox.
You might be wondering, I must be some sort of Kaam chor (work thief, meaning, person who tries to avoid work). Well not exactly. Just to highlight what I am trying to say, there was an issue a long time ago in one of my many jobs,which actually boiled over into an escalation. One person drafted and sent an e-Mail, to me, a colleague of mine, the culprit, his manager, his VP, his LOB head. Apart from that he sent my manager an FYI, (not sure why he did that).
The culprit's VP forwarded the mail to the field sales colleague who inturn forwarded the mail to the entire Sales management DL. Now this mail was then circulated back to the culprit who replied back with another colleague's contact who happened to work in Culprit's team (without cc'ing the culprit #2). The sales team replied back to the culprit #2 with "Could you please help us here". Now this culprit #2 was a dumbass. Instead of scrolling through the mail and finding out who had initiated the thread, he just picked up any damn section of the thread (in which I was involved) and replied to all. Now if you see, how many iterations the same mail (+ the delta) might have traversed, it actually did one round trip around the world and finally ended in the same team.
Now all you environment philanthropists, come up with a damn idea for making sure jackasses like the one above are punished under some PETA like law which prohibits them from clicking the "Reply All" button in Outlook.
Time to run for a meeting. C ya later.
Jul 7, 2009
Tax Exemption of 10K...what it means for you
LCD prices have been slashed 5% and would cost cheaper. But STB prices are up by 5%. Which means, what you save in LCD, you will have to shell out for Tata Sky, Airtel Digital or the infamous Sun Direct.
Excise duty on big cars (the Audis, VW, BMW etc.) has been slashed by 5% to make it uniform at Rs. 15000 per unit. But the same has not been implemented for smaller cars (which form a major part of the Indian commuting style. You cannot see any common man driving a BMW or Prosche unless he is a driver of a CEO who is working in an MNC.
Gold prices have been increased by Rs. 200 per 10 gm...which means we men can cite that as a reason for not buying gold for our women folk.
Above all, the FM has done a great job by increasing the Income tax exemption limit by Rs. 10,000. I hear some of you ignorant people say WOW...Rs. 10,000 per year amounts to Rs. 800 per month. Hold On...:) below is the breakup of how much excess you would get if the exemption limit goes up by 10000. Here is the old structure with exemption:

With the new exemption (a whopping Rs. 10,000/=) here is the new tax payable per month:
So you save around Rs. 1030 PA. (TimesOfIndia published an article today which sid "The FM has ensured the tax payer gets Rs. 1030 excess at his disposal). What they have not mentioned is this amount should be divided by 12 to arrive at the monthly increase which is more important to common man than the yearly increase.
It is time for another test drive. Let's Jazz with the Honda Jazz. So Long.
Jul 6, 2009
Hyundai i10 for Dummies
Then the D-Day. The sales person drove down to my office at exactly the scheduled time and we started off. 4 grown up men (3 oversized bloats :)), and me behind the wheel. Now for the real meat.
The interior has a cosy look and feel with the beige coloring frame and the beige seating. The seat is bucket styled, and good enough for a 5'5" (I am 5' 8" though and found it easy to drive).
Both the front and the rear provide a wide viewing experience (thanks to the A and C pillars being of lesser width as compared to Swift). The side view mirrors are really wide and with very less blind spot.
The gear shift, mounted on a console, was as smooth as butter (I am used to doing a hard 1st shift...thanks to my Alto gear box..). I noticed a Wagon R coming up behind me and I wanted to avoid this guy overtaking me since the road ahead was empty and if I followed this guy, I might not be able to test the i10 to it's fullest. But I was a bit apprehensive, since, with the A/C running and in 2nd gear, I was of the opinion, no small hatchback would be able to get the needed thrust. But this baby was awesome. There was absolutely no difference from driving with the A/C turned off. And I whizzed ahead of the Wagon R in less than 4 seconds :) (I should have checked the look on the Wagon R driver's face
The gear shifts were smooth and I reached 5th gear in no time (at 90 KMPH now), then I noticed the bump. I am used to scraping my Alto's bottom on this one monster a couple of times and I always make it a point to make sure I am absolutely slow while driving over it. But I wanted to test i10's ground clearance (and what the hell, it isn't my car anyway), so I thought of taking on 3rd gear over it at 30 KMPH. And lo behold, did just that like a breeze. Very impressive. The steering column is both collapsable (for safety) and tiltable (convenience) and extremely sensitive handling. I was able to negotiate a sharp turn with just one hand on the wheel (I have this bad habit of driving with just one hand and the other on the gear). Made it through a couple of pot holes too with very less thuds.
The turning radius is similar to Santro (and a bit more than Alto) at 5 mtrs. so it is better to take that slight left and then turn to the right, if you are not used to it, lest you end up doing a double turn on a busy road. The brakes are very responsive (stopped the devil in its tracks at the next bump while doing an 80.
The boot space is decent and good enough for holding luggage of a family of four. Rear seats are 60-40 folding so you get that extra space in the rear (if you want to leave you mother in law with the luggages in the rear, this is the best option hehehehee). Sportz comes with a fully integrated music system, so the rear speakers are mounted on the door. So you get that folding panel in the rear for some soft toys (unlike Alto where I have the speaker mounted on the panel and have to be careful about the stuffs I keep there).
Headlamps are nice, elongated and wide. No complaints about their performance.
Some cons though:
Sportz is a bit pricy (around 30 K more than Magna), but comes with HMSL, Rear spoiler, rear defogger and a jazzy upholstry (for Red and black variants) with an integrated music system. But I think it is worth the experience you get out of it.
I am not too much into the NM and Torque and all that shit, but I can say this, on an incline with 4 decently built people, this car might just be able to make that hairpin bend which you would have scared to do in any other small car.
All in all: I would recommend this car (or magna or asta if you have some extra cash) to people who are considering their first car or are tired of their existing hatchback.
Driving, braking, pickup: 4.5/5
FE: 13 KMPL (city), 19 (highways, as told)
A.C.: Decent
Pricing: Affordable
On road (BLR): 467700 (Maybe you could bargain on the 1st year insurance waiver and Rs. 4K discount, the On road comes down to 4.49 L.) Came to know from a friend today, that they are giving some more accessories if you know how to bargain (which you would know if you are a true South Indian ;))
So long folks.
Be Safe...Play safe...always use the seat belt.
(TD'ing Vista tomorrow, shall post more on it)
i10 to TVS 50 in 30 seconds
Need a break and a brake (for my devil) :-)
B-Day...It is the Budget Day
I am gonna watch NDTV Budget. Hope I would get more salary today. Have a major financial crunch coming up next month with a few LIC premiums, PPF payments, credit card payments, and above all, my love for Hyundai i10. KFC Folks.
Jun 30, 2009
How to release software and how to release software
To begin with, I think writing a software is bullshit. Software is never written, it evolves from someone's idea. What goes in is not just the if, else or the {}. It is the end user's requirement, his pain points, and his suggestions. This is the only way we can look at software. From an end user's point of view. Hence the first and most important thing to do before building any product, is to get the customer's suggestion. After all, if you have a product and no customer you might as well throw it out of the window (needless to say, you might consider using the documents and the presentations created as emergency tissue papers). The following should be the motto of the day for any person working in the software industry:
"In Our Business The Customer Is The King". You should make each developer, product manager, solution manager, development manager, head clerk (???), admin, HR, every link in the chain, to say this 100 times before starting to code. This is one of the ways to get to know who is the boss. (I still wonder how some of the projects/products which came up without any customer focus made it to the market and survived for a week).
OK. So now back to what I started with. The 2 ways to release a software. The first methodology is outlined here.
"I give You Take":
(Should be read as I give you my idea, you take my idea). This is another way of saying "I give a damn to your ideas"
- The LOB head comes up with an idea.
- The idea is shared with design, architecture, and solution managers.
- Solution Management tries to find internal stakeholders (read as internal customers) (we still do not have customers anywhere here)
- Architecture comes up with the design document.
- Technology is deliberated on.
- Plans are communicated to development and timelines are created.
- Development is still unaware of why it is doing what it is doing. (Point 2 never flows till here. It is not hidden in those design documents and MRDs which were created in point 3 and point 4. If you want you could understand from there)
- Repeat steps 5-8
- By now it is close to 8 months and 50% of development is still not aware of what they are doing. The rest know something because, they are in the process of updating their resume and need to show what they have done in this timespan since the project started.
- When all the testing and validation and product standards and bug fixing and internal releases are completed, the product is ready to be released for a few select customers who showed interest in a similar idea.
- When this is finally taken to the market, you find a host of products which are cheaper and easier to deploy with better service network.
Then we go back to step 1 and the process repeats. The reason why this would be a 95% failure is that there is no customer interaction at any point. Even if a customer is unfortunate enough to buy this product (which would be costly as hell because of the huge effort spent so far), the UI, interaction, and flow would not be to his taste. So now the development is loaded with the task of customized development for this customer. (The remaining 5% would be for the internal customers who do not have an option but use it as a pressure from the upper management)
The major pit-fall here is that every single person in the food chain is unsure of the market demands. There is just no customer in the whole thread, from whom you could get their views.
The other route (and my most fav one) is:
"You give I take"
Should be read as "You give me the requirements, I take your requirements"
For this I would say the first point of contact is the field. Get the field sales people to check with their buddy-buddy customers about what they have, what they would like to have in what they have, and what they would not like to have in what they have. This is more of a bottom-up approach and would flow as below:
- Field approaches customer with what they want.
- Customer gives his requirements.
- Field talks to Solution Management
- Solution Management prepares MRD and shares with Field
- Field ensures if things are understood (and if required, check and cross check with customer)
- If things are fine, Field requests for commitment from SM.
- SM checks with management and provides a breakdown result structure (more of SCRUM except that at the end of each Sprint, the actual audience would be the Field and Customer and not peer developers)
- Signoff from Field and customer
- Communication of MRD/PRD from SM to Architecture.
- Architecture prepares blue print. Discuss with Field (and if required the customer). Make sure if this is what the BOSS wants.
- Communication to Development and Project Management.
- PM plans for short sprints and development executes.
- End of each sprint, check with customer if the requirements are being implemented right.
- Close the project ahead of schedule.
The good thing in this approach is, even if you slip a month or so past the deadline, it is not a big deal since you have got the customer and field's confidence in your work. They would be ready to wait for your result.
The only con here is, it requires 3 steps more to release (the first needed just 11) and requires to disturb the customer time and again (with your questions and suggestions and ideas). But what the hell, I think customers like to talk to development about the proposal. At the end of the day, who would like to spend money on a piece of code which they never wanted.
This is a longer route, but one which is guaranteed to get you that 5 * from the customer. Afterall 5* is always better than a dissatisfied customer. Think about it.
Jun 28, 2009
My most complex creation
I admit, I made one mistake. I gave a feeling called desire in man (more desire in woman). Man started growing his family, just like I wanted him to, Man gained knowledge and power and money, just like I wanted him to. Everything was fine for a few years. Then desire came in man to have one community, have a leader, give the leader more power. Desire led to anger and envy. Then man started fighting with man to become leader. Woman fought with woman for more desire and envy. The fight between 2 men grew into a fight between 2 communities. I saw my creations killing one another, Oh! my children lay in a pool of blood and it was all my fault. I thought I will give a few more million years so that they would live happily. However, I was wrong. Man can never live happily with another man. As long as 2 men are together, there will always be hatred, jealousy, pain and suffering.
I thought, enough is enough, I will put an end to this misery, I will use Man's own creation against him. I waved my cane and there was a lightning, a flash, a cloud and everything went silent. Absolute silent darkness everywhere. When the dust settled down, I stroll once again to inspect the end. The grass is all dried up and burnt, the trees stand naked, thin leafless branches jutting out, the pond is dried up and has carcass of animals and man lying there, there is a stench everywhere. To put an end to man's sufferings, I had destroyed all my creations.
I knew I had miscalculated, I knew I had a bigger task at hand to cleanup this mess, I knew I had one more weekend to spend trying to create the perfect creation.
Mar 11, 2009
Why Not To MockUp
I do not blame the developers for this. It is natural tendency of any human being to concentrate on the more important topics which would be beneficial to him/her in the long run and neglect the not so important parts out of their day to day activities. Rather, it is the duty of the Project/Program Management to keep the morale of the team on a positive note. The moment this "Go-Get-It" spirit drops down, there is no way (and not even with a Viagra) that it can be brought up.
As like everyone, I feel bad to see my efforts are wasted at the end of the sprint. Need a day of R&R to rejuvenate.
Feb 24, 2009
SlumDog makes it big. But what's in it for me?
Personally, I do not have any grudge against SM making it to the Oscars. As an Indian, I am proud of this achievement, and I think Rehman deserved it. But then, Rahman deserved this for Roja, Swades, Lagaan etc. which were much better than the one he is receiving now. When I was browsing, I saw this video of Anil Kapoor (Duh???) talking about how it was like to stand on the stage and receive an award, how it is a great day for India...blah blah blah. Coming from Anil Kapoor it makes sense. He has not seen a single box office success throughout his life, so making it to the OSCAR's would surely boost his image. But I think overhyping this just degrades us further in front of the global community. It sends a signal that India is a 3rd world country and it is finally making it big. I feel India has more potential and it is not necessary that we be recognised for our efforts through a foreign award. When all of this was happening, the media did not talk about Smile Pinki or the little girl who, when I last heard, was waiting for her passport and visa to travel to the awards ceremony. I think, the international audience likes to see the slums and poverty of India. Any movie which talks about this makes it big. There was this novel called "Shantharam" by Gregory David Roberts which was about the life of a escaped NZ convict in Dharavi. The book became a bestseller. Slum Dog talks about how a slum kid makes it big in the "Who wants to be a millionaire?". But there is more to India than just slums. We have a rich culture and heritage (infact more than any other country), we have friendly and loving people, we have a joint family system still in place which is not there anywhere else. We need these kinds of movies which showcase our talents than our miseries.
Now the various State Governments would confer awards for casts haling from their state. Lakhs and Crores of money would be paid to the protagonist and his kins, row-houses and farm-houses would be "donated" to them. And all of this from the innocent tax payers' money. We pay taxes for better roads, infrastructure, water, food, and basic necessities. But the BABUS think that feeding the millionaires is more important.
I would not entirely blame the media or the press for this kind of a behavior. We, the people, should understand what is of importance to us now, we need to shed off the veil of "We are like this only" until then, it is just one man's cribbing against the system.
Yet another useless post
We have always known (and come to acknowledge it as a fact) that the numeric system starts at 0 (I am talking about a real life scenario wherein 0 is the least and 100 is considered to be complete). Infact, it is so much embedded within our system that we have stopped (or never started) questioning it. But is this really true? Why is 0 considered to be the start of all numbers and 100% completion means that the task is completed? Is it because cent means 100? If so, why was cent fixed to be 100 and not 10 or 1000? These are really confusing questions to answer. When we say a task is nearing 100%, we immediately think that it is nearing completion and all the sub-tasks within this task are fulfilled. How about thinking it this way? When we say a task is nearing 100% completion, it could also be thought as the "pending" sub-tasks are nearing 0. Which means, 0 could now be taken to be the completion value. Then the notation 100 loses it's significance. The same is with a graph of the amount of knowledge a person gathers over life. It is said, this graph curve is sharp in the initial stages (like childhood, adolescence) and starts tending to be come horizontal in the later stages. It is attributed to the reason that the grasping power of a person tends to go down with age. Also, the person starts implementing the knowledge he has gained so far in real life situations rather than learning something new.
Then could this also be considered here as below. When we plot this graph with the age on the X Axis and the brain capacity on the Y axis, the graph shows a different picture eventhough the final goal is the same.
We, as human beings, lack the will to question the facts. We are "taught" at school that 0 is the least, and the more we increment, the better. If only we could reverse this order, we would stop being human beings and become GOD.
Aham Brahmasvi
Feb 18, 2009
Top 10 places to work in India
2. Vijaya Bank (Bangalore)
3. Union Bank Of India
4. BSNL Customer Care Center
5. RTO
6. Tata Indicom BroadBand (Sales)
7. Reliance BroadBand (sales)
8. Hathway Broadband (sales)
9. Passport Office
10.Ration office (Ration = Place where you get subsidised rice, pulses, cereals, etc.)
I really envy anybody working in either of these places. You should really be lucky to work here, because, not all places pay you for not doing your work. Also, you need to be mentally and physically strong to do the same routine for 25 years (i.e. do nothing). If ever I am born again as a human in my next life, I pray to God, "Do not make me so incapable so as to join Google or Microsoft, place me in any one of above 9 organisations".
Feb 16, 2009
The Black Sheep In The Family
TRAVEL = 1 YEAR STAY AND EARN IN DOLLARS. In that way, wherever you have been, the currency is still the same. You earn in dollars in US, UK, Germany, Azarbhaijan, Zion etc.
And most the questions come from relatives (your parents cannot ask you cos they are fully aware of the issue at hand). But the U(ncle)s and the A(unty)s have more or less hard coded this question in an infinite While loop. And there are 2 companies that they are aware of: Infosys and Wipro. So if you are working in one of those small companies like Google, Yahoo or Adobe, then, forget it. You are a good for nothing chap. Cos, you did not make it to I/W. It does not matter if you are doing documentation or admin or desk cleaning, you are still working there man. Come on. 10 in every 50 South Indian family members works in either Infosys, Wipro or Cognizant.
When my relatives look at me, they murmur behind my back: "Every family has a black sheep". Being a South Indian is not all that easy.
Feb 11, 2009
The Crow, The Fox, The Lady and the Donut
For a long time, people have concentrated on this story and did not talk about what happened next? That's because what followed was a chain of chemical reactions (welllll...not exactly), some law suits, a few angry (a.k.a juicy words) and an All's Well That Ends Well. As you already know, I have a PhD. in human psychology and, I thought, this is the right time to make the world up-to-date about what really happened later.
The lady initiated a law suit against Jon Doe (since she did not know whom to initiate the law suit against). The crow initiated a law suit on Fox since it knew the culprit. To support it's case, it bribed a few more crows and brought them to testify against the fox. The fox denied the charges laid on it, and asked for substantiating proofs. Meanwhile, the lady was following this crow vs fox lawsuit and she thought "Better to side a known devil than an unknown friend". So she stood by the fox. What the crow did not know when it stole the donut was that, the lady was an ex lawyer who, in troubled times, had taken to making donuts. The Lady represented the fox and pleaded her client not guilty. The crow salted the jury (meaning bribing the jury) and tried to tilt the case in it's favor. But the judge favored the fox, since the judge and the lawyer had an affair before the lady became an ex lawyer. The crow lost the case, and a lot of money (remember it had paid it's friends, the jury, the plaintiff, the bus driver, the postmaster etc.). The fox thanked the lady and the judge and every one lived happily ever after.
"Creative comments are welcome"