Oct 8, 2010

FaceBook, already miss you...

It's been 4 days since I logged out of FaceBook and my fingers are itching to jump back into it and type some stupid nonsensical comments that would be liked and adored by a few equally insane incarnations. But no sir, no no no no no (the Indian way), my mind will conquer over my heart. FaceBook, you still suck. And like SUCK...

Coming back to my thoughts for the day, I was talking with my colleague today and told him I had permanently quit FaceBook and he was surprised, since he felt I did put some really nice posts at times. As a matter of fact, the reason I quit FB was, FaceBook was not serving my purpose of reaching out to the world. With FB I was like a frog in the well: Born there, been there, seen there and die there...With Blogger, I was like, extending my wings outside the circle (and circle, not like in Signs, the crop circle bull crap, I mean, come on, how can some aliens be so dumb to create figures in crops and let people know 'We are here. We are here to whip your ass'. That would be the worst of sorry assed aliens who might have been rejected from the Alien community in Mars and went to MN Shyamalan to give them some chance to prove in real world).

Then we got talking about freedom to post and democracy which is what this post would be (sorry to mislead with the misleading title, could not think of something more catchy, but don't get ideas into your mind....No no no no no no).

What is freedom? If we ask a 4th grade kid he would probably talk about Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, SVB Patel, and other freedom fighters. If you ask an adolescent, he might say, freedom for him is when his dad is not at home watching over him. A freshly recruited candidate in an IT company would say freedom for him is when his boss has taken a day off. An experienced person would say freedom for him is when his boss has taken a day off (oh we have a match).

According to me, freedom is not something we can see or speak. It is a feeling within. It is something that motivates us to live through the day to see another, all while still speaking truth and facts. Freedom is when I can look at a culprit in the eye and pledge before the law that he had committed the crime without having to worry about the safety of my family. When I can speak up in a press conference hosted by the premieres of our society and say they screwed up the society with their morals and ideals which were way off the mark of the common man. It might sound like more than what we can demand for, but that is what free democracy is all about. The word democracy has been bent and twisted in many places by many people that it has lost it's originality. Democracy is bound neatly with freedom. In democracy, you face every day through the eyes of truth, freely, unhindered by any one person who tries to take control of your life. Mahatma Gandhi once said "True freedom is when a woman can walk freely at midnight without any company". I truly appreciate these words and would like to add on to it. "True free democracy is when every person, man or woman, can walk the streets of the truth and honesty at anytime of their life, without having to worry about ifs and buts till they achieve their goal of a free country where you do not have any corruption, of mind, body or soul, where every child can grow up in the bosom of their father and mother and not orphaned out, where every religion has tolerance for one another, where we don't need a brick work to show God".

For God truly lives in a free democracy within every true person's heart and mind.

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